The Journey

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The Journey

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Words are important, they matter. At TMS, we intentionally use the word “journey” to encompass the various partnerships and stages involved as a child navigates through their school years. We believe “journey” captures fundamental aspects of the growth of a child.

A journey is rarely uniform. It has twists and turns that bring forth unexpected hurdles and require many different skills to successfully manage the changing landscape. To journey well requires both a consistent approach and personal adaptability. It requires a vision of the destination and knowledge of the terrain along the way. And through it all, a journey shapes us. It builds strengths, perseverance, habits and a secure sense of self.

Successful journeys are not taken alone. A journey taken with an experienced guide allows for learning but also success, it allows for challenge and growth but also for support and partnership. Journeying with a guide, an excellent guide, means that individual nuance and need will be woven into the journey; the uniqueness of the traveler must be understood - it will dictate the pace, the route and the tactics to ensure the successful arrival at the preferred destination.

At TMS each student travels at their own pace with their preferred end in mind, they have experienced guides in the form of their teachers, ongoing support from their peers and a connection to the larger TMS community to help them along. And while the role of the teacher as expert advisor is pivotal, the partnership between school and family also ensures that each student finds success during this time of rapid and radical change.

It is a journey. The word matters.